Sam can fall down a flight of stairs and not cry. But when he feels left out he is crushed. This morning we were having a better than normal day. Honestly. We even got to school early. Jeddah is Sam's teacher. Jack and Hunter are Sam's best friends. We walk in Sam all smiles. Then this little girl in Sam's class walks up to Sam and says, "Jeddah left you. She took Hunter and Jack to the store and they left you."
Sam's eyes welled up with tears. And then he started to sob. New Kristin (that is what Sam calls her) reprimanded the little girl but the damage had been done. So I took Sam back out to my car and we talked for a little while. We saw Jeddah and the boys walking back but then Sam went from really sad to really angry. So I had him stay in the car while I talked with Jeddah for a minute so she understood his behavior. Fortunately, she and the boys came and talked to Sam and within a few minutes he was his happy playful self.
It is kinda funny when I leave he 'races' me to the end of the playground. He is inside the fence and I am outside the fence and then he blows me kisses. Gotta love that!
Sam has a wonderful heart and is very sensitive about certain things. Reminds of another.....
Being left out is probably what hurts my feelings the most too, but I would cry if I fell down stairs, so I guess I'm a big baby! Sam is a tough kid but don't you love that he has a sensitive side too.
Love the picture of Sam on the first page. He is just adorable.
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