Monday, June 8, 2009

Help, Help I am Being Oppressed and For the Love of Animals

Help, Help I am Being Oppressed:

Ok so he wasn't oppressed he actually begged, pleaded, whined until I buried him in the sand. But we had a lot of fun getting all dirty. It was actually pretty cool outside still but once he was inside the sand he said he was toasty.

For the Love of Animals:
Sam loves animals. And he is great with them. He is so gentle and kind. I think animals just know that he loves them and feel comfortable around him. He takes really good care of his guinea pigs and loves to help with family and friends pets as well.


Kleinhenz Family said...

Where were you at where their was sand enough to bury Sam? Looks like fun.

Elizabeth said...

There is a park near our house that is all sand. Crazy I know!


I can't imagine that there was an ounce of protest in Sam while he was being "buried"...okay...maybe a little, "CAN YOU DO THIS FASTER?" smile... he is such a darn photogenic kid! : )

Dede said...

Sam always seems to be having a good time. And he is wonderful with animals. Great kid.