Thursday, May 6, 2010

Brownie Points

First, I would like to make a confession. "Hi, my name is Liz and I am a brownie-aholic."

I love brownies. I met someone once who did not like brownies. It was fortunate that I already liked this person before I knew they were anti-brownie.

I love brownies: brown brownies, blond brownies, mulatto brownies. I have no prejudices against brownies. They are all one big happy family to me. May the world have lasting peace through chocolate gooeyness.

So you are probably wondering, hmmm this girl has fallen off the weight watchers bandwagon which she only mentioned one post ago. No, never fear dear reader. I have found empowerment from a brownie. Yes it is true. So the first Thursday of random months is our staff meeting; seriously it is random, but I digress. Always at said staff meeting they produce yummy chocolaty brownies. I know this. It happens every time. Okay I think once they decided to get some other type of treat and there were riots in the halls. So I prepared, saved, planned so I could eat a brownie. And I ate one. It felt great to eat a treat I love AND to know that it is not going to set me back. Not going to hurt my life long goal of being healthy. Strange how planning to eat a brownie could make me feel so capable of reaching my weight loss goals. Nevertheless and not withstanding that was the feeling produced. Then I ate salad for lunch and fruit. Yummy fresh pineapple and watermelon.

So I learned a great lesson today. I can eat what I want (albeit it sparingly) if I want it bad enough. Empowered by a brownie, who knew.


Dede said...

Way to go Liz. Thanks for sharing. Dad and I went to P F Changs for dinner and only ate the lettuce wraps. We get appetizers for dinner because it is inexpensive but great food. Dad also ordered the dumplings but since I don't like them it was easy to let him eat them all!!!!

Anonymous said... dissin' me on your blog? ; D
My name is Jenny, and I hate brownies...but that's why Liz loves me - I'll give them right to her! Cute post, made me smile.

Magen said...

I was just thinking about how much I want some M&M's, but I'm going to be good and eat some fruit instead. Thanks for being a great example!