Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Weight Watcher's Way of Life

So a couple of weeks ago I jumped on the Weight Watcher's bandwagon. I decided it was far past time for me to do something about my weight. Yes, 'my' I possess it or rather it possess me. I decided that when I started to loath family events, refused friendly get togethers that it was time to change something. Okay perhaps loath is too strong a word but worry, despair, embarrassed. Those are appropriate words. I have done Weight Watcher's before and was moderately successful. So here is to a second try.

I tried Metafast first. I think it could be a good program. I was enamored by it and I even coerced a friend into trying it (who was very successful at it by the way) but I just could not stand the bland food. Give me some flava' please. I liked the flavored water, even when I found out it was packed with caffeine (Yea, I know that was probably why I liked it so much). But the program just did not work for me. I felt hungry all the time and the food I did eat was yucky.

So on to Weight Watchers. So far so good. I have lost 5 pounds. I am pretty excited about that and it motivates me to keep at it. I am connected by the hip (or the tips of my fingers rather) to the computer so I check the points on everything. I'll think to myself, hmm really how much could a Blizzard cost me. Yea. I took one look at the amount of points I would loose for a Reece's Blizzard and decided I would probably never have one again. There are so many things I would rather ingest, for less points and would probably keep me far more satisfied. Even Sam is getting into the whole points thing. When I eat anything he'll say, is that in your points. Most of the time I think it is cute and helpful. It is only when it isn't within my points that I get a bit frustrated that he asked. He has been very supportive and encourages me to work out. That or play Wii but he does try to be supportive.

So the journey has begun. I have tried this journey before and lost but I think it is because I tried doing it alone. So that is why, embarrassing as it may be, I am reaching out to you my friends and family to support me in this journey. I want to be a healthy person. I don't need to be a supermodel (but honestly have you seen me? I am pretty hot!). So here I go, onward and downward.


Charlotte Jensen said...

Liz, I love you and will love you no matter what, you are hot and ideal just the way you are. If this is something you want to do, then I think it is a great idea and would love to be supportive and even kind of participate by sharing ideas through the blog. Here's to new beginnings!

Katie Anderson said...

We love you so much and think you are BEAUTIFUL! We support you 100%. We want you to feel good about yourself. You have so much to offer the world, you are amazing, you are the best! I have a great book of Weight Watchers recipes and I will send you my favorites:)

dana liston said...

Good luck Liz! I know you will be succesfull - cuz like you said you are alread hot!!

Dede said...

Liz, you are my beloved and you are truly one the the most beautiful persons I know both physically and spiritally. Lets do this together. I need you and hopefully you will need me. Call me anytime and I will call you when the hungry monster starts calling to me. Love you so very much.

Amber said...

GO LIZ!!! :) You rock!! Such a good thing to do! and congrats on the 5 points. BOO ti bad reeses blizzards (they are my fave too) :) love you!

Amber said...

I meant 5 pounds! :) hee hee!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks everybody for your encouragement. It will be a lifetyime goal so I am glad I am surrounded by so many lifetime friends.

Susan Hymas said...

You are so amazing and inspiring to me Liz. Wish we lived closer to each other.

sgwinfrey said...

Hey Liz, I hear ya! I've been there done that. I've had a lot of success on ww in the past. I wish you the best at it. I've actually lost close to 40lbs since January! Not doing ww, doing another fun diet called the Game On diet. email if you want to know more I'm still 14lbs away from my pre- pregnancy weight with baby #1 ahhhh the things we do for our kids!


way to go Liz! Its just good to feel good about how you look. 100% support! : )